
I Am Calm™


Handmade With Amazonite And Lava Stones

Calming · Hope · Clarity

Amazonite & Lava Stones Bracelet
Chakra Healing: Root & Heart Chakra

is known as the “hope” crystal.
It is like an anti-anxiety medication in the crystal world.

Amazonite helps to remove any doubts we might have about ourselves.

It encourages us to trust life, that everything is happening for a reason.

 Lava stone is a grounding and calming stone, 

it gives us strength and courage.

The Lava stone is perfect to use as an essential oil diffuser.
Just add a few drops of our favourite essential oil and enjoy the therapeutic benefits it brings.


Crystal: Amazonite and Lava Stone

Bead Size: 10 mm
One Size - 
Diameter: 5.2 cm
Length: 18 cm